How Donations are Used During COVID-19

Our donor team have been vital during COVID-19. God has used our generous donors to keep Black Lake Bible Camp afloat during such a difficult season, and we cannot thank our donors enough!

We want to be transparent and share how we use the donations we receive at BLBC.

Here is a quick list

  1. Water System Maintenance

  2. Begin Paying Deferred Bills from Spring

  3. Process Refunds

  4. Maintain Staff Housing

  5. Essential Bills & Costs

  6. Funding Day Camp

To say this Spring has been tough is an understatement. Due to COVID-19, we have had to temporarily close from March to May 31st. During that time, and even now, our primary source of revenue has been donations.

During these months we have lost over $620,000 in revenue (and counting), we have had to furlough staff, and we have had to make really hard decisions to cancel some of our most beloved summer camps.

Through all of this, we have done our best to rest in God’s promises, and we have watched Him work! We are so grateful for His provision, and it is because of His provision that our donor team has grown and BLBC has stayed afloat. We are grateful!

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During these months we watched God work in wonderful ways.

  1. Our team has grown closer together - despite social distancing and COVID-19 restrictions.

  2. We were granted access to the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) so our furloughed staff were able to come back to work! All through God’s grace!

  3. And, possibly the most encouraging of all, we have been showered with love, support, and encouragement from our donor team.

Our donor team has given over $79,000 since March 2020!

That’s you! Thank YOU!

You have shown up in BIG ways for Black Lake Bible Camp and it is because of donations that we are able to operate during COVID-19.

We have done our best to reach out to every donor to personally thank you for your prayers and efforts to help us keep this ministry afloat during such a difficult season.

If for some reason you’ve not gotten a personal thank you, please know that we are truly GRATEFUL! Your donation has not gone unnoticed and your hard work to keep the ministry you love and treasure moving has been felt.

If you are not yet a part of our donor team and you’d like to join you can become a donor right HERE.



To put it simply donations have been used to keep our lights on.

Now, with access to the Payroll Protection Program we are no longer using donations to keep staff at work. We are so grateful for the PPP! Now donations go to pay bills, fund necessary projects, and prepare our grounds for our Day Camp program beginning July 6th.

We will have access to the PPP through mid-July. Once the PPP runs out donations will go back to paying staff wages as well.


donations are going towards:

1. Water system maintenance

We have a well and because of that, we have to have extra testing, monitoring, and work done to ensure our water is safe for staff and their families to drink. With fewer people on our campus due to COVID-19, we have had several issues with our water system. 

Our maintenance director, Misael Lopez, has been hard at work doing all necessary testing and maintenance to keep our water safe to drink. As you can imagine it’s not always a cheap thing to fund!

2. Deferred bills from Spring

Our accountant, Amy Mackie, has worked so hard to make sure we are using our money wisely during COVID-19. Because of the temporary shut down and no new money coming in other than donations. So we have had to defer many bills and payments that are critical to the operations at BLBC. Most of these payments we have been able to either defer or pay in part until we are able to pay them in full. Your donations have gone towards making that possible!

3. Process Refunds

Because our campus was closed from March through May 31st we have to cancel several program camps as well as some of our guest groups who have booked their retreats on our campus. This has been the primary reason for our revenue loss.

At BLBC we earn most of our revenue through our beloved guest groups who use our campus to advance the gospel within their community. Because many campers and guest groups have had to either cancel their stay at BLBC (understandably so) we have had to provide a refund for deposits and registration costs.

Your donations have made it possible for us to do this in a timely manner! We are grateful that we are able to serve our guest groups and campers because of your help.

4. Maintain Staff Housing 

Most of our year-round staff live on campus. It is very important to use that our staff have a comfortable, safe, and cozy place to live! Part of your donations go to making sure this can happen!

5. Essential Bills & Costs

While we have been able to defer some bills we cannot do this forever. A large portion of your donations go directly to general operating costs that are critical for BLBC to operate. Even deferred bills must be paid eventually and we can only do that through the generous contributions from our donor team!

6. Day Camp operation costs

We are beyond excited to share that we are able to host our Day Camp program, regardless of the phase we are in, beginning on July 6th, 2020.

With this will come a lot of operations costs and need for increased donations.

As we operate during COVID-19 there are a lot of added policies, procedures, and operations to ensure staff and camper health. With these very necessary additions to our program and operations comes an additional cost.

Your donations will go to cover things like:

  • Meals for summer staff, full-time staff, and campers

  • Summer staff wages

  • Summer staff shirts

  • Summer staff housing maintenance 

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Increased cleaning supplies

  • On-campus field trips (because we cannot host our regular field trips due to COVID-19)

  • Wood chips for playgrounds

  • Sand for the beach

How donor money is used at BLBC during COVID-19

For us, the impact and value of our ministry FAR outweighs the financial toll it takes to run it.

Yet, we would be remiss if we do not recognize that we need financial support in order to carry out this ministry God has placed so strongly on our hearts!

This is where you come in.

We are asking for donations, not only to keep the lights on at BLBC but now we need donations to support campers, their families, and staffers as they serve God and draw nearer to Him.

To be quite honest, our Day Camp program is not designed to be the only program running at BLBC. Typically it runs alongside guest group retreats and our overnight program camps.

This year is different and we are adapting!

Because Day Camp will be the only program running for the next several weeks Day Camp alone is covering all the costs to operate BLBC and run an effective ministry.


JOin our Camp Coffee Chats by subscribing below

You’ll get an email on Monday mornings with camp updates (including info about Day Camps) plus a word of encouragement. We’d love for you to join!


    We have full confidence in God’s ability to provide for us.

    We have FULL confidence that God is not done with BLBC.

    We have full confidence, rooted in the promises of God and HIS truth alone, that we WILL survive this dry season.

    We also know that God uses people like you and me to be His hands and feet and offer the provision we desperately need.

    Most importantly we are praying for God’s will to be done at camp and that we will trust Him wherever He takes us.

    Day Camp at BLBC in Olympia Washington.jpg


    If you have not already joined our donor team we ask that you consider doing so on a recurring basis. Our recurring donors are the lifeblood of this ministry and without them, we could not operate.

    It is ONLY because of God that we are here.

    It is ONLY because God has worked through our donor team, board members, volunteers, and year-round staff that we are able to continue to do the work God has set before us.

    Work that we believe is VITAL to our community and God’s church.

    It is our prayer that God’s will is done here at Black Lake Bible Camp and not our own.

    We need your help to rally behind what God is doing, to promote the work that He has done through BLBC, and invite more people to join our donor team.

    We are so grateful for you, dear donors.

    You are such an important part of our team and essential to this ministry!

    If you have not already joined our donor team you can do that by clicking the button below.

    If you are not giving on a recurring basis, please consider setting up your account to donate on a monthly basis. It’s fast and simple! To become a monthly donor just click “reoccurring” when you make a donation.


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    Hey there!

    We are Black Lake BIBLE CAMP & Retreat Center

    We want to make planning your retreat or conference simpleYou shouldn’t have to stress about the details of your retreat or conference and instead focus your efforts on what matters most - sharing God’s love and truth with each person in your group.

    We are set in the Pacific Northwest Woods of Olympia, Washington and we’d love to host you on our campus!