Day Camp During COVID-19

NOTE: This post was last updated on February 1st, 2021

We are so excited to be able to host our Day Camp Program beginning on June 28th!

It brings us great joy to serve in this way, and we can’t wait to see what God does through our Day Camp program.

As you can imagine Day Camp will look very different than it has in years past. It is our goal to do all we can to ensure camper and staffer health and safety.

Here is a quick overview:

(Please read the full post for a complete look at how Day Camp will operate during COVID-19.)

  • Daily health checks at sign in

  • Face-coverings must be worn at BLBC

  • Cabin groups CANNOT intermingle

  • Sanitary policies and procedures are very strict

  • No field trips off campus

  • Meals are served cafeteria-style


1. To see all of our camp-wide COVID-19 health and safety policies, click HERE.

2. This post, as well as the post link above, will be updated weekly or whenever we have new information to share regarding our COVID-19 policies and procedures.

Within reason we follow Washington State COVID-19 guidelines for Day Camps:

Washington State Coronavirus Response:



First, Thank you!

Before I get into all the nitty-gritty of how we are running Day Camp in light of COVID-19, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for your interest in Black Lake Bible Camp’s Day Camp Program

Now, more than ever we are all craving community, fun, and safety - your kids are too. This is why we see opening up our Day Camp program as not only an opportunity to serve local families in need of high-quality child care during COVID-19, but also as an opportunity to share God’s love with every camper.

We are so excited to share our summer with your camper!

We can’t wait to see what God does, even at a time like this.

Below, I have broken down how Day Camp will be structured, how we are handling the mask policy, and several other commonly asked questions.




Regardless of the phase, we are in, we will be serving lunches “cafeteria-style.” Campers walk through a line and are served each food item by kitchen staff to minimize the touching of surfaces and keep a 6-foot distance between cabin groups and kitchen staff.

All kitchen staff will be wearing masks and gloves at all times while dealing with food - except while they are eating.

Campers, and cabin leaders, can also take their masks off to eat and enjoy their lunch. More on our mask policies below.


Unlike summer 2020, we will be offering full breakfasts or dinners for campers who are registered for extended hours.


Letters from the lake

If you want updates (including all Day Camp COVID-19 updates), you can sign up below to get brief, well-crafted email from us each Monday morning as you sip on your coffee.

Plus it’s a small way you can join our community and get involved with the work God is doing through BLBC!

    Black Lake Bible Camp swimming pool

    Daily Health Screenings

    Before you come to camp please make sure that your camper is not running a fever or showing ANY symptoms of illness.

    If your camper has symptoms that are not illness related or are from an existing condition PLEASE communicate this to us BEFORE you come onto our campus.

    Before your camper can come back to Day Camp they must have a health check in accordance with the Washington State Coronavirus Response.

    Each day your camper will have to have a health screening.

    1. Camper temperature will be taken and recorded.

    2. We’ll ask a few questions to make sure they are symptom free before they enjoy a day at Day Camp.

    WHEN you arrive on campus

    MONDAY: You and your camper will line up by our markers space 6 feet apart. Masks are recommended - but you do not have to wear them while you are 6 feet apart from non-family members. Bring your masks with you, because you may need to be closer to BLBC staff to complete morning check-in. When you get to the front of the line your camper will have a health screening (outlined below) and you can pay any remaining balance, buy a tee for your camper, and ask any questions! A cabin leader will walk your camper back to Day Camp.

    TUESDAY - FRIDAY: You and your camper will not have to get out of the car for the health check. We will come to you!

    Health Screening Questions:

    1) Do you have any symptoms of COVID-19?

        • Cough

        • Fever of 100.4 or higher

        • Shortness of breath

        • Sore throat

        • Loss of taste

        • Loss of smell

    2) Have you had contact with someone with a presumptive or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

    *If your camper has two of these symptoms, or a temperature of 100.4° F or above, they cannot come to Day Camp. They will have to be symptom and fever free for at least 72 hours, without the aid of fever reducers, before they can come back to Day Camp.


    If your camper had a temperature of 100.4° F or greater or if they answered “yes” to two or more of the health screening questions they cannot stay at Day Camp.

    To come back to work on Black Lake Bible Camp property the camper must meet the appropriate regulations below.

    Re-entry for a camper who has had a temperature of 100.4° F or above: The camper should remain at home until 72 hours after the fever is gone - without the use of fever-reducing medicine.

    Re-entry for a camper who has had other symptoms of COVID-19: The affected camper should remain home for at least 10 days after illness onset AND 72 hours after fever is gone, without the use of fever-reducing medicine.

    Re-entry for a camper who has been exposed to COVID-19: Either a reported negative COVID-19 test result of the presumptive case (who they were exposed to) or a negative test results for the camper.


    Day Camp field trips

    We are not able to continue with our Day Camp field trips this year due to COVID-19. We cannot transport kids safely while adhering to all COVID-19 policies and guidelines by local governing authorities. Plus, lot of our field trip destinations are not yet able to open, or at least not to the capacity we would need them to be open at.

    Instead of an off-campus field trip, we will be hosting an on-campus activity to take its place! We are excited to share more about this soon!

    Masks & Face Coverings

    Washington State has created an ordinance regulating that all campers and staff will have to wear a facial covering at Black Lake Bible Camp. (SOURCE)

    We want campers to ENJOY their summer, not feel fearful or overwhelmed! We are going to do everything in our power to turn this requirement into a fun game and view it as an opportunity to be creative and have fun.

    According to the ordinance the face covering simply needs to cover your nose and mouth. We recommend a bandana because they are lighter fabric. (We are looking into different facial covering options to have available.)

    Breathe Breaks

    One way we are making this mandate more feasible is by scheduling in frequent “breathe breaks.” Campers and cabin leaders will spread out 6 feet apart from one another and get a 2-5 minutes to take off their mask.

    We’ll use this as an opportunity to tell stories, play simon says, or do silly dances.

    We want to add fun to every element we can!

    Additionally, whenever your camper is feeling overwhelmed or simply wants a break we will do everything in our power to make this happen. Wearing facial covers can be uncomfortable for us too! We will do all we can to make this process as comfortable and as fun as we can.

    Masks will NOT have to be worn in the pool or at the lake.

    The POOL

    Our pool will be open! While campers on on the pool deck they will have to wear facial covering - they will NOT have to wear them in the water. While swimming they must stay 6 feet apart from other campers.

    We are planning fun activities to do in the pool that encourage campers to socially distant themselves while still ENJOYING their time swimming. It’s gonna be different for sure - but we are confident we are still going to enjoy our time together!


    Campers swimming in the lake, in the boats, or on the tubes will NOT have to wear facial coverings. Campers will have to remain socially distant from one another. The SALTS will be able to use our “Blob”!

    What if Day Camp gets canceled due to COVID-19?

    While we do not expect this to happen, we have all seen how things can change in an instant in the last few months! If we (Black Lake Bible Camp) need’s to cancel Day Camp for any reason we will issue a full refund for any unused camp days. If you opt to cancel your week of Day Camp you will get a refund except for your deposit.


    Any other Questions?

    We want to answer any other questions you may have! Please contact us here.

    We will be updating this post as we get more information.

    It is such a gift to be able to reopen our Day Camp program.

    God has worked through so many people to reopen Day Camp and all the glory goes to Him alone! We hope your camper enjoys it as much as we do. We’ll see you on June 28th!


    Black Lake Bible Camp summer camp.jpg

    We are Black Lake Bible Camp.

    A non-profit Christian camping and retreat center located in Olympia, Washington.

    It is our goal to let God lead and create a space where people can draw nearer to Him.

    Each dollar donated will go directly to helping us to do the work God has set before us like running program camps, maintaining our facilities, and paying staff.

    We are so grateful for every donor and we couldn’t do this without you!

    We need you on our team!