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Phase 1 is almost complete, and the four brand new accessible cabins will be ready to use this summer! We are launching Phase 2 in April!

Rebuilding Black Lake Bible Camp for generations to come!

 Black Lake Bible Camp was established over 75 years ago as a beautiful place set apart from the world, to be used by God, to declare His Truth and bring people, especially youth, into deep relationship with Jesus. The refreshing lake and grove of fir trees have endured the last 75 years, but the buildings, cabins, and other physical infrastructure have significantly aged.

Do you remember how the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt by God’s chosen people? It took the unified efforts of dozens of people, with the help of God.

Black Lake Bible Camp is calling upon the family of God to come together to rebuild His camp for the next generation. We’re calling this endeavor Project Nehemiah. Come and see God’s downpouring’s of Grace with us as we use our time, talents, and resources to rebuild Black Lake Bible Camp so that the next generation may hear the name of Jesus proclaimed in the shelter of these grounds! Click here to read a bit more about this incredible endeavor!


Phase 2

2 Million

  • 4 New Accessible Cabins

  • New Multi-Sport Court

Help us raise $800,000 so we can apply for our next grant!
